martes, 8 de abril de 2008

CSA in Honduras

CSA stands for community supported agriculture. I'm sure many of you know by now what a CSA is, but for those of you who don't, a CSA is when a community members pay a local farmer a set amount of money per week, and they get a basket of all the fresh veggies that they have available for that week. So for instance, one week, someone could get a bushel of green beans, 5 tomatoes, 10 carrots, 2 ounces of basil, and 1 head of lettuce. But another week, they could get 2 green peppers, 1 head of lettuce, 10 tomatoes and 2 carrots depending on the amount of harvest that week. But no matter what, they always pay the same thing, so it doesn't get confusing or too complicated. It is really cool, and a good way especially to help support local farmers.

Well, this idea was presented to my director by the wife of a UN worker living in Honduras. She says that it's really hard to find good, organic fruits and vegetables here in Honduras, so she has been looking elsewhere. Well, the farmers of my cooperative produce an ungodly amount of vegetables. So many, that especially during mango season, there is just tons of fruit rotting on the ground, because it's too much for people to eat.

So I met with her this week, and am very excited with the results. She was telling me that she knows enough people in Honduras (mostly foriegners) who are more than willing to pay a higher price for organic fruits, as well as pay for transportation to get it up to Tegucigulpa and delivered to their doors weekly.

This is a great opportunity for the cooperative, because it with reliable clients, at a good and fixed price, and it will get them used to the idea of selling to a client regularly. And from there, hopefully we can broaden our horizons.

9 comentarios:

Sarah dijo...

Yaaaaaaaay!! Sometimes things come your way, we never know exactly why we are supposed to be where we are and it is wonderful when assuring situations like this happen. I love you millions sis, give me a call soon-I was in a weird state when we talked last and it was cut short

T dijo...

Wow I am SOOOOO excited Lizzy! God always has a plan.

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Laura dijo...

Wow that's great news! Congratulations!!

Jane dijo...

Hooray! Liz, what a great plan. And SO much easier than drying the darned things!

Jane dijo...

Hi there Liz. I'm sitting at work, thinking about you and wishing I could see you. Our trip is getting closer to being a reality. We'll talk soon I hope. Give me a call. I love you and miss you!


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Laura dijo...

Wow, TV de Plasma really likes your blog, Liz! You're really going places now. Next thing you know, Monitor de Flat Screen will be giving you a kiss to go with that Plasma hug!